Lensa Budaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya
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The origin of the City of Makassar can be traced far in the past, specifically to the time the Kingdom of Gowa-Tallo was conquered by Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (The East India Company or VOC) in 1667. Following the victory, Cornelis Speelman chose one fort later known as Fort Rotterdam to become the center of power and center of government in the east. This Fort Rotterdam is the origin point of the Makassar city planning. The colonial government later replaced VOC in continuing the development of Makassar city by constructing more buildings to support the administration by issuing policies to regulate the inhabitants of the city. This paper offers what can be called “Re-Identity Makassar Old Town” as efforts to give a rooted identity to Makassar city without reviving the colonial policies. Through these conservation efforts, Makassar can become in-site and open space architectural museum. For the inhabitants of Makassar, the conservation of old buildings in the city can portrait the collective activities in the city and its development processes to this day. <br /> <br />Keywords: Re-Identity, Makassar Old Town, Cultural Conservation <br />AuthorAsmunandar Asmunandar
Copyright (c) 2020 Lensa Budaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya
2020-08-152020-08-1515110.34050/jlb.v15i1.11079PORNOGRAFI YANG (TIDAK) CABUL: GENDER DAN SEKSUALITAS
Pornography is taboo and immorality that is present by the role of qualified technology. However, pornography on the contrary develops into works that are deliberately made to be brought into heat; its contents are not merely writing. Hendri Yulius in his book CAB*L: Perbincangan Serius tentang Seksualitas Kontemporer (2019), leads us to see pornography as a medium to study the devel-opment and socio-cultural dynamics of society. As well as being a documentation of human fan-tasy and contributing in drawing and influencing the way humans think about the conversation about sex(uality) and its practice. This paper will discuss how pornography contributes to the per-spective of humans about their sexuality and others.<br />Keywords: Sexuality, Pornography, Popular Culture, Immorality, Sex.Alma Wulandari
Copyright (c) 2020 Lensa Budaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya
The Bugis people have specific traditions which they carry as they migrate to different parts of In-donesia. These traditions are believed to be based on ade’ which can be explained as values based on honesty, intellect, propriety, determination, efforts and siri’. When they migrated in the past, they rode all sorts of boats—phinisi being the most well-known.A. B. Takko Bandung Bandung
Copyright (c) 2020 Lensa Budaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya
This study focuses on two factors that might correlate with the academic achievement of Sar-janawiyata Tamansiswa (UST) students. These two factors are the internalization of the teachings of the five Dharma Tamansiswa and the ability of self-regulated learning. Academic achievement is a benchmark of student success in each semester or at the end of the lecture period (graduation). Academic achievement is a result that can be fought for by all students in accordance with the tar-gets to be achieved respectively. The purpose of this study is to reveal whether the internalization of the teachings of the five Taman dharma Tamanasiswa and self-regulated leaning abilities corre-late with student academic achievement. The research process starts from curiosity and concern for UST students' academic achievement. Academic achievement is the result of evaluating whether the student is successful or not in each semester. This research is a Quantitative Regression Corre-lation research using a survey method for distributing attitudes and or behavioral scales. The scale is a psychological measurement tool to assess individuals in attitude and action. The scale is a de-scription of students on the variable internalization of the teaching of the five dharma and the abil-ity of self-regulated learning. While academic achievement can be seen from the results of student GPA.<br />Keywords: Internalization of the teaching of the five dharma tamansiswa, self-regulated learning and Student Academic Achievement.Andreas Yudha Fery Nugroho
Copyright (c) 2020 Lensa Budaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Budaya