GOVERNMENT : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan <div class="row" style="display: flex;"> <div class="column" style="flex: 35%; padding: 8px;"><img src="" alt="" /></div> <div class="column" style="flex: 65%; padding: 8px;"> <div style="border: 1px dotted; padding: 8px; background: #f1faf5;"> <ul> <li>pISSN: <a href="" target="_self">1979-5645</a></li> <li>eISSN: <a href="" target="_self">2503-4952</a></li> </ul> </div> <p>GOVERNMENT: JURNAL ILMU PEMERINTAHAN adalah jurnal ilmiah yang mengangkat studi pemerintahan berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan analisis kritis. Setiap volume terdiri dari dua edisi yang terbit pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Artikel yang dimuat merupakan kajian dalam ilmu pemerintahan yang fokus dalam bidang tata kelola pemerintahan, kepemimpinan, birokrasi, kebijakan publik, dan politik. Government: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan diterbitkan oleh Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Hasanuddin.</p> </div> </div> en-US [email protected] (Saharuddin) [email protected] (Resky Gau) Tue, 06 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Efektivitas Jogja Smart Service dalam Pelayanan Kependudukan ditengah Pandemi Covid-19 <p>In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Yogyakarta City Population and Civil Registration Service implements social distancing or reduces face to face in population administration services. People only need to access the Jogja Smart Service application to take care of population administration. Jogja Smart Service is one of the implementations of e-government in the administration of Yogyakarta City government. The purpose of this research is to determine whether or not the Jogja Smart Service (JSS) application is effective in the population services of the people of Yogyakarta City amid the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews and literature studies. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis, namely describing and analyzing more deeply related to the findings of research using existing theoretical foundations. To determine whether or not Jogja Smart Service is effective in population services in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, this study uses five indicators, namely tangiable, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results of this study indicate that the Jogja Smart Service application has succeeded in serving the population administration of the people of Yogyakarta City in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic effectively and efficiently even though in its implementation there are still obstacles.</p> Faizatur Rochmah, Sakir, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya Copyright (c) 2021 Tue, 06 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kotak Kosong dalam Perspektif Hak Memilih dan Dipilih pada Pilkada Kabupaten Kebumen 2020 <p>The 2020 Kebumen Regional Election Contest was followed by a single candidate for the incumbent pair Arif Sugiyanto and Ristawati Purwaningsih. To choose between an empty box or a defense candidate pair, is something new, especially for the people of Kebumen Regency, however the presence of this phenomenon is different, presenting a different political spirit, but on the other hand it should put political decisions into an election method that does not require an option in order to reduce participation. society in a democracy. This writing aims to understand the causal scope of the empty boxes in the 2020 Pilkada of Kebumen Regency, which present single nominees and empty boxes. This research method is carried out by qualitative research methods using descriptive analysis techniques because in this study aims to reveal reality, and present the conditions and circumstances that occur. Data collection techniques are obtained by secondary data in the form of journal articles, news, and other library studies related to this research. The results of this study indicate that in the implementation systematics there is no complete fulfillment of rights that the pilkada followed by single candidate pairs and empty boxes is evidence of the implementation of democracy in accordance with a human rights perspective.</p> Ika Aurelia Natasya, Sakir, Fairuz Arta Abhipraya Copyright (c) 2021 Thu, 08 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Disintegrasi Data Kependudukan antar OPD Layanan Publik Kabupaten Belitung Timur di Tengah Arus Revolusi Industri 4.0 <p>The industrial revolution 4.0 is a challenge that makes the whole world compete to show capabilities related to the use of the times. In this era of disruption, the need for data and how to perform data in every public service is a list that must be fulfilled by the government in providing trust and effective public services. But the problem of data integration which will become a main thing in the use of integrated data must be faced. Seventy-six years since Indonesia's independence, to this day the data of the entire community has not been integrated and is still stored separately. East Belitung Regency is one of the youngest regencies in Bangka Belitung Islands Province is an example of an area with population data that is not integrated. The disintegration experienced by the government of East Belitung makes public services in East Belitung very conventional and far from digitalization. Problems then arise, such as inaccurate printed data and data synchrony that does not work and the data provided is not in accordance with the bitter that must be accepted by society in the digital era. This research was conducted in order to review the problems that occur related to data integration. that influence and influence the influencing factors in this research, so that later it can conclude the problems and solutions that must be done in order to realize data integration</p> Risky Ristiandy Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Kebijakan Tata Ruang Berbasis Inklusifitas Aktor <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This article wants to see how the actor-based inclusive spatial planning policy takes place in the village. The reason is, since decades of development in the village, especially since the law no. 6 of 2014 is getting more massive. Villages are forced to reconstruct existing spatial policies, by adjusting to more modern development patterns. There is a village development orientation which on the one hand abandons traditional values ​​and at the same time moves towards a more modern development. However, the problem is that spatial policies, especially those related to development, often clash with traditional values ​​that exist in the village. Development in the village often involves actors in the village who are involved in protracted conflicts. The inclusion and exclusion of actors is something that will be encountered in many development schemes in the village. By using an approach approach, the researchers used data collection methods in the form of interviews and field observations to find out how the dynamics of development occurred in spatial planning policies. The analytical tool used in this research is to use an actor inclusiveness approach by looking at the policy of the spatial arena as the analysis space in this article</p> Supriadi Takwim, Sitti Rabiatul Wahdaniyah Herman Copyright (c) 2021 Sat, 10 Jul 2021 00:00:00 +0000