LESTARI, A. T.; WULANDARI, F. T. SIFAT FISIKA BAMBU GALAH (Gigantochloa atter) BERDASARKAN ARAH AKSIAL DI KECAMATAN GUNUNG SARI KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT: Effects of Axial Directions to the Physical Properties of Galah Bamboo(Gigantochloa atter) in Gunung Sari Region, Western Lombok Regent. PERENNIAL, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 2, p. 47-52, 2020. DOI: 10.24259/perennial.v16i2.9526. Disponível em: http://334012.libg.asia/index.php/perennial/article/view/9526. Acesso em: 5 dec. 2024.