Hubungan Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Kinerja Dokter di Rumah Sakit Kota Makassar
Doctor is one of professionals who have an important role in the hospital services. Perception ofdoctor related organizational support can build doctor’s trust and performance in hospitals. This study aimsto analyze the relationship of Perceived Organizational Support (POS) on doctor performance in Class BGeneral Hospital of Makassar City. This research is an observational analytic study with cross sectionaldesign. The total sample in this study was 126 respondents selected by simple random sampling technique.Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation test. The results showed that there was a relationship betweenperceived organizational support and doctor performance with a p value of 0,010 < 0,05. POS has arelationship to the performance of doctors so hospitals need to increase the involvement of doctors by creatinga supportive work environment and creating an innovation program to increase doctors’ trust in the hospital.
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19. Rhoades L ER. Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of The Literature. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2002;87(4):698-714.
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24. Dale McMurchy. Evidence Synthesis: Strategies and Approaches to Enhance Family PhysicianEngagement. 2018:1;1–22.
2. Sathiadas G. Challenges and Strategies in Implementing Workplace-Based Assessments in the Sri Lankan Medical Education System. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine. 2018:5(2);1–9.
3. Shiba K, Nishimoto M, Sugimoto M, dan Ishikawa Y. The Association between Meditation Practice and Job Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study. Plos One. 2015:10(5);1–13.
4. KARS. Standar Nasional Akreditasi Rumah Sakit (SNARS) edisi 1. Jakarta: Komisi Akreditasi Rumah Sakit; 2017.
5. Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Pedoman Penyusunan Standar Pelayanan Minimum di Rumah Sakit. Jakarta: Kementrian Kesehatan RI; 2013.
6. Unit Rekam Medik RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar. Profil Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Labuang Baji Makassar Tahun 2017. Makassar: RS Labuang Baji; 2017.
7. Unit Perencanaan RSUD Haji Makassar. Profil Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Haji Makassar Tahun 2017. Makassar: RSUD Haji; 2017.
8. Unit Rekam Medik RSUD Kota Makassar. Profil Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Makassar Tahun 2017. Makassar: RSUD Kota Makassar; 2017.
9. Kopelman R. Managing Productivity in Organization a Practice People Oriented Prespective. New York: McGraw Hill Book Company; 1988.
10. Riggle, R. J., Edmondson, D. R., dan Hansen JD. A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Outcomes: 20 Years of Research. Jornal of Business Research. 2009:62(10);1027–1030.
11. Kaur S, Aneet. Perceived Organizational Support and Affective Commitment: A Demographic Analysis. Journal of Business Management. 2017:19(1);54–59.
12. Yongxing, G., Hongfei, D., Baoguo, X., dan Lei M. Work Engagement and Job Performance: the Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support. Anales Psicologia. 2017:33(3);708–713.
13. Rhoades L dan Eisenberger R. Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of The Literature. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2002:87(4);698-714.
14. Erdem Haluk, Turen Ufuk, Gokmen Yunus, dan Tuz Oguz. Perceived Organizational Support, Stress Coping Behaviors and Mediating Role of Psychological Capital: Special Education and Rehabilitation Centers. Scientific Annals of Economics and Business. 2017:64(3);359–377.
15. Sugiyono. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia; 2007. 16. Van den Goor, M. M. P. G., Wagner, C. C., & Lombarts KMJMH. Poor Physician Performance in the Netherlands: Characteristics, Causes, and Prevalence. Journal of Patient Safety. 2015. Available at:
17. Robbins, S. P., & Judge TA. Organizational Behavior. (S. Yagan, Ed.) Vol. 91, Pearson Education. United State of America: Pearson; 2017.
18. Kaissi A. Manager-Physician Relationships: An Organizational Theory Perspective. The Health Care Manager. 2005:24(2);165–176.
19. Rhoades L ER. Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of The Literature. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2002;87(4):698-714.
20. Farahani MJ, Fereydoni M. Providing a Model for the Effect of Organizational Spirituality and Ethics on Job Involvement in Experts of the Ministry of Sport and Youth. Journal Sport Management. 2017:9(2);273–286.
21. Trybou, J., Gemmel, P., Vaerenbergh, YV., dan Annemans L. Hospital-Physician Relations: The Relative Importance of Economic, Relational and Professional Attributes to Organizational Attractiveness. BMC Health Service Research. 2014:14(232);1-9.
22. A TAP, Perrier L, Prokopy M, Neves-Mera L, D David Persaud. Physician Engagement:A Concept Analysis. Journal of Healthcare Leadership. 2019:11;101–113.
23. Malik SZ, Kazmi SZ, Nadeem N. The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Doctor’s Organizational Commitment in Pakistan. The Lahore Journal Business. 2016:4(2);73–92.
24. Dale McMurchy. Evidence Synthesis: Strategies and Approaches to Enhance Family PhysicianEngagement. 2018:1;1–22.
Pasinringi, S. A., Shalihah, A. A., & Sari, N. (2019). Hubungan Perceived Organizational Support terhadap Kinerja Dokter di Rumah Sakit Kota Makassar. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 15(4), 358-366.

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