Peran Kecerdasan Emosional dan Tingkat Ketergantungan Nikotin pada Niat Berhenti Merokok
Smoking cessation intention is a motivating factor that influence to smoking cessation behavior. Smokingcessation intention is influenced by attitude toward smoking cessation behavior, subjective norm, and perceivedbehavior control. This research aims to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence and nicotine dependencelevel on smoking cessation intention. This research was obesevational analytic study with cross sectional designand used a quantitative approach. The population of this study were male smoker college student of state universityin Madura. The sampling method used proportionate stratified random sampling with sample size 290 collegestudent. The result of this study are emotional intelligence influenced smoking cessation intention trough attitudetoward smoking cessation behavior and subjective norm. Nicotine dependence level influenced smoking cessationintention trough attitude toward smoking cessation, subjective norm, and perceived behavior control. The conclusionof this study was nicotine dependence level has more influence on smoking cessation intention than emotionalintelligence.
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23. Martinez, LS. & Lewis, N. The Moderated Influence of Perceived Behavior Control on Intentions among the General US Population : Implications for Public Communication Campaigns. Journal of Health Community. 2016 ; 21( 9) : p.1006-1015
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2. Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2013. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI : Jakarta. 2013
3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences Of Smoking-50 Years Of Progress : A Report Of The Surgeon General. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services : Rockville, USA. 2014
4. World Health Organization (WHO). Tobacco Threathens Us All: Say No To Tobacco Protect Health, Reduce Poverty and Promote Development. WHO : Switzerland. 2017
5. Kristina, SA., Endarti, D., & Thavorncharoensap, M. Burden of Cancer Attributable to Tobacco Smoking in Member Countries of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 2012. Cancer Epidemiology. 2016; 44: p. 84-90
6. World Health Organization (WHO). Global Adult Tobacco Survey : Indonesia Report 2011. WHO : Jakarta. 2012
7. Kaplan, H.I., Sadock, B.J., & Grebb, J.A. Sinopsis Psikiatri Ilmu Pengetahuan Perilaku Psikiatri Klinis. Binarupa Aksara : Jakarta. 2010
8. Ajzen, I. Behavioral Interventions Based on The Theory of Planned Behavior. 2006. Diakses online dari pada 20 Maret 2018
9. Ajzen, I. (1991). The Theory of Planned Behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 1991; 50( 2) : p. 179-211
10. Glanz, K. Rimer, BK. Viswanath, K. Health Behavior and Health Education, Theory, Research, and Practice. Jossey-Bass : USA. 2008
11. Lange, PAM., Kruglanski, AW., & Higgins, ET. (2012). Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology. Sage : London, UK
12. Goleman, D. Kecerdasan Emosional. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama : Jakarta. 2002
13. Mayer, JD. & Salovey, P. What is emotional intelligence? In P. Salovey & Sluyter (Eds), Emotional development and emotional intelligence : Education implication. Basic book : New York. 1997
14. Lizam, TC., Prabandari, YS., & Kumara, A. Meningkatkan Sikap Positif Terhadap Perilaku Tidak Merokok dan Kecenderungan Untuk Berhenti Merokok Melalui Pelatihan. Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat. 2009; 2( 2) : p. 74-81.
15. Rachmat,M., Thaha, RM., & Syafar, M. Perilaku Merokok Remaja Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, 2013; 7( 11) : p. 502-508.
16. Mayer, JD., Caruso, DR., & Salovey, P. (2016). The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence : Principles and Updates. Emotion Review. 2016; 8(4) : p. 290-300.
17. Trinidad, DR., & Johnson, CA. (2002). The Association Between Emotional Intelligence and Early Adolescent Tobacco and Alcohol Use. Personality and individual differences. 2002; 32: p95-105
18. Vidal, PM., Cerveira, JM., Paccaud, F., Waeber, G., Vollenweider, P., & Cornuz, J. Prevalence and Factors Associated With Difficulty and Intention To Quit Smoking In Switzerland. BMC Public Heath. 2011; 11, p227.
19. Lee, CW., & Kahende, J. (2007). Factors Associated With Successful Smoking Cessation In The United Stated, 2000. American Journal of Public Health. 2007; 97(8) : p. 1503-1509
20. Rajamaki, H., Katajavuori, N., Jarvinen, P., Hakuli, T., Terasalmi, E. & Pietila, K. (2002). A Qualitative Study of The difficulties of Smoking Cessation : Healthcare Professionals and Smokers Point of View. Pharmacy World & Science. 2002; 2(6) : p. 240-246
21. De Wilde, K., Maes, L., Boudrez, H., Tency, I., Temmerman, M., & Clays, E. (2017). Analysis of Smoking Cessation Beliefs in Pregnant Smokers and Ex-Smokers Using The Theory of Planned Behavior. Journal of Public Health. 2017; 25(3) : p. 267-274.
22. Rise, J., Kovac, V., Kraft, P., & Moan, IS. Predicting the intention to quit smoking and quitting behavior : extending the theory of planned behavior. British Journal of Health Psychology. 2008; 13( 2) : p. 291-310.
23. Martinez, LS. & Lewis, N. The Moderated Influence of Perceived Behavior Control on Intentions among the General US Population : Implications for Public Communication Campaigns. Journal of Health Community. 2016 ; 21( 9) : p.1006-1015
24. Yzer,MC. The Integrated Model of Behavior as a Tool For Designing Health Messages : Theory and Practice. In H. Cho (Ed). Designing Messages For Health Communication Campaigns : Theory and Practice. (pp. 21-40). Thousand Oaks, CA. 2012
25. Asare, M. (2015). Using The Theory of Planned Behavior To Determine The Condom Use Behavior Among College Student. American Journal of Health Study. 2015; 30(1) : p. 43-50
26. Sulpat, E. Pengaruh Karakteristik Sikap, Norma Subjektif, & Kontrol Perilaku WUS Terhadap Niat Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks Di Puskesmas Alun-Alun Kabupaten Gresik. Tesis. FKM Unair, Program Studi magister Kesehatan Masyarakat. 2018
27. Lestarina, NNW. (2018). Theory of planned behavior sebagai upaya peningkatan kepatuhan pada klien diabetes mellitus. Jurnal MKMI. 2018; 14(2) : p201-207.
Masithah, D., Soedirham, O., & Triyoga, R. S. (2019). Peran Kecerdasan Emosional dan Tingkat Ketergantungan Nikotin pada Niat Berhenti Merokok. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 15(2), 128-134.

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