E-Therapy Autism Child with Multimedia Approach (EAMA) sebagai Intervensi Perubahan Psikomotor dan Afektif pada Anak Autis
Autism is a brain disorder of pervasive development in children characterized by disturbances and delaysin the fields of cognitive, imagination, language, behavior, communication, and social interaction. Based on datafrom the Indonesian Autism Foundation in 2013, there are 250 thousand people in Palangka Raya City, 20% ofthem or around 50,000 are children and an estimated 100 children of autism. E-Therapy Autism Child with MultimediaApproach (EAMA) is an e-therapy created by researchers, which includes elements of e-learning. EAMAis a multimedia application software, a combination and development of autistic therapy method of Applied BehavioralAnalysis (ABA) and Treatment and education of autistic and Handicapped Children Related Communication(TEACCH). EAMA’s target target is children with autism to improve optimally cognitive, psychomotor andaffective in children with autism. EAMA facilitates interventions for behavior change, and enhances psychomotorabilities. In children with autism they are easier to receive information through audio visual. EAMA is a multimediathat can help parents at home while with autism children as an exercise, and also as a learning method forautism teachers in school while teaching. After EAMA then accompanied by practice or simulation on this partas an evaluation of the increase in the ability of autism children. This research was conducted at Sekolah KhususMelati Ceria (SKMC), Palangka Raya City, 30 people as samples, with total sampling. Experimental design withone group pre and post test, which measures the level of psychomotor and affective abilities of autism children,before and with an intervention with the application designed by the researcher, namely EAMA. Statistical analysistest with Wilcoxon. Research Results: Psychomotor level, before and after given the EAMA method ρ (0,000) <0,05and Z (-4,899), then there is the influence of EAMA method with psychomotor level before and after giving EAMAmethod. At the affective level, the value of ρ (0,000) <0,05 with a value of Z (Z -5,292, there is an effect of givingEAMA methods with an increase in affective value in children with autism.
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2. Koegel L, Matos-fredeen R, Lang R, Koegel. Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Inclusive School Settings. Cogn Behav Pract [Internet]. 2011; Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra. 2010.11.003.
3. (CDC) TC for DC and P. CDC Estimates 1 in 68 Children has been Identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder [Internet]. United State; 2014. Available from: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2014/p0327-autism-spectrumdisorder.html.
4. Boyd BA, Mcdonough SG, Bodfish JW. NIH Public Access. 2013;42(6):1236-48.
5. Kurdi FN. Strategi dan teknik pembelajaran pada anak dengan autisme. Forum Kependidikan,.2009; 29(1).
6. Prasetyoningsih SA. Pengembangan Tindak Bahasa Terapi dalam Intervensi Anak Autis Spektrum Perilaku. Litera. 2016;15:120-7.
7. Schuetze M, Rohr CS, Dewey D, McCrimmon A, Bray S. Reinforcement Learning in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Front Psychol. 2017.
8. Inclusive Directions Flinders Therapy House. Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention Using the Principles of Applied Behavioural Analysis ( ABA ). 2011.
9. Lokhorst S. The Use of Gamification in Interventions for Children with Autism. University of Twente; 2014.
10. Edgington L, Hill V, Pellicano E. Research in Developmental Disabilities the Design and Implementation of a CBT-Based Intervention for Sensory Processing Difficulties in Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum. Res Dev Disabil. 2016;59:221-33.
11. Postel MG, Haan MSHA De, Jong MDCAJ De, Ph D. E-Therapy for Mental Health Problems : Telemed E-Health. 2008;14(7):707–14.
12. Omar S, Bidin A. The Impact of Multimedia Graphic and Text with Autistic Learners in Reading. Univers J Educ Res. 2015;3(12):989-996.
13. Kandaswamy R. iMedPub Journals The Neurological Damage Caused by Repetitive Behavior Modification Based Therapies in Autism and the Myth of “Early Intensive Intervention” in Autism The Myth of “Early Intervention” in Autism with “ Intensive ” Methods and Applicatio. 2016;2-4.
14. Tien K. Effectiveness of the Picture Exchange Communication System as a Functional Communication Intervention for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders : A Practice-Based Research Synthesis. 2008;43(1):61-76.
Migang, Y. W., & Mahardhika, F. (2018). E-Therapy Autism Child with Multimedia Approach (EAMA) sebagai Intervensi Perubahan Psikomotor dan Afektif pada Anak Autis. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 14(4), 388-394. https://doi.org/10.30597/mkmi.v14i4.5222

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