Health Belief Model Analysis with Perception and Behavior of Mothers of Children Under Five Years Old with Diarrhea
Diarrhea is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Many children are victim of diarrheal diseases which are easily preventable and treatable. This study aimed to determine the perception and behavior of mothers of children under five years old with diarrhea based on the Health Belief Model (HBM). This research used qualitative with a phenomenological approach and analyzed based on the theory of the Health Belief Model (vulnerabilities, severity, benefits, barriers, cues to action). Collecting data from 12 informants through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed that, based on the results of the HBM analysis with 5 indicators, the informants agreed on the susceptibility to diarrhea in children in the area. This is due to unqualified drinking water sources, poor waste management systems, and poor environmental and personal hygiene for each child. The main obstacle for informants is the absence of a strong will and the nature of not caring about the mother's and her children’s living condition and personal hygiene. In conclusion, the informant's perception of diarrheal disease is a harmless disease. The behavior of the informants did not care about living conditions which could cause repeated diarrhea for their children.
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2. Iryanto AA, Joko T, Raharjo M. Literature Review: Faktor Risiko Kejadian Diare pada Balita di Indonesia. J Kesehat Lingkung. 2021;11(1):17.
3. Kemenkes RI. Profil Kesehatan Indonesia 2019. Jakarta: Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2019.
4. Firmansyah YW dkk. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare pada Balita. Bul Kesling Mas. 2020;40(1).
5. Melvani RP, Zulkifli H, Faizal M. Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kejadian Diare Balita di Kelurahan Karyajaya Kota Palembang. JUMANTIK (Jurnal Ilm Penelit Kesehatan).2019;4(1):57.
6. Diskominfo. Buku Induk Statistik Sektoral Kota Samarinda. Vol 5. 2020.
7. Puskesmas Sempaja. Profil Public Health Center Sempaja. Published online; 2019.
8. Sugiyono. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta; 2010.
9. A S. Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif & Kualitatif Dalam Psikologi. 2015.
10. Raco J. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Jenis, Karakteristik dan Keunggulannya. Grasindo; 2010.
11. Afiyanti Y, I Nur Rachmawati. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif dalam Riset Keperawatan; 2014.
12. Bazeley PAT. Qualitative Data Analysis; 2013.
13. Priyo P, Priyanto S. Efektifitas Penerapan Health Belief Modelterhadap Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS). J Holist Nurs Sci. 2018;5(2):88-105.
14. Yunitasari AR, Dewi Sartika RA, Setiarini A. Household Factors Associated with Underweight in Children 24-59 Month in Urban and Rural in Indonesia. Media Kesehat Masy Indones. 2020;16(1):140.
15. Kurniawan. K RN, Yani A. Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Kerentanan Penyakit Diare Pasca Pelaksanaan Pesta Adat Kiki Sapu dan Hambatan Terhadap Pencegahannya. MPPKI (Media Publ Promosi Kesehat Indones Indones J Heal Promot. 2018;1(2):58-62.
16. Aristi I, Sulistyowati M. Analisis Teori Health Belief Model Terhadap Tindakan Personal Hygiene Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Heal Sci Prev. Published online 2020.
17. Eiko Asitua D Indrawati. Hubungan Tentang Pengetahuan Ibu Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dengan Kejadian Penyakit Diare pada Anak di Wilayah Kerja Public Health Center Pancur Batu Tahun 2019 EIKO. J Ilmu Kesehat Masyarakat vol 53 1-10. 2019;53(9):1689-1699.
18. Wartiningsih M, Soesanto D, Tabita H, Silitonga H. Analisis Pengaruh Persepsi Ibu Terhadap Perilaku Gaya Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Berdasarkan Health Belief Model di Surabaya Analysis on the Effect of Mother’s Perception Towards the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior Based on the ‘Health Belief Model’ in Su. Manaj Kesehat Yayasan RS Dr Soetomo. 2020;6(1):94-109. 10.29241/jmk.v6i1.310
19. Irnawati PY, Salimo H. Health Belief Model on the Choice of Medical Doctor Among Mothers of Children with Diarrhea. J Heal Promot Behav. 2018;03(02):100-108.
20. Prawati DD. Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Diare di Tambak Sari, Kota Surabaya. J PROMKES. 2019;7(1):34.
21. Shao C, Wang J, Liu J, Tian F, Li H. Effect of A Health Belief Model-Based Education Program on Patients’ Belief, Physical Activity, and Serum Uric Acid: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2018;12:1239-1245. 10.2147/PPA.S166523
22. Jeihooni AK, Kashfi SH, Bahmandost M, Harsini PA. Promoting Preventive Behaviors of Nosocomial Infections in Nurses: The Effect of An Educational Program Based on Health Belief Model. Investig y Educ en Enferm. 2018;36(1). 10.17533/udea.iee.v36n1e09
23. Sari RK, Handayani D. Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan pada Anak Indonesia: Pengaruh Kemiskinan dan Karakteristik Ibu. Media Kesehat Masy Indones. 2020;16(3):305-316.
24. Indar, Mas’ud NA, Sampurno S. Analisis Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Kesehatan Warga di Kawasan Pemukiman Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Tamangapa Analysis of Legal Protection for Citizens Health in the Tamangapa Final Disposal Area. J MKMI. 2019;15(2):204-211.
25. Putra BAP, Utami TA. Pengetahuan Ibu Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Pencegahan Diare Pada Anak Usia Preschool. J Surya Muda. 2020;2(1):27-38.
26. Bandura A. Self-Efficacy in Changing Societies. (Bandura A, ed.). Standford: University Press; 1999.
27. Bandura A. Social Learning Theory. 1st ed. (Bandura A, ed.). Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632; 1977.
Rosdiana, R., Newyearsi, S. E. ., & Yuniar, D. . (2022). Health Belief Model Analysis with Perception and Behavior of Mothers of Children Under Five Years Old with Diarrhea. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 18(3), 107-116.

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