The Estimation of Residual Variance in Nonparametric Regression


  • Abdul Wahab Universitas Muslim Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Budiantara
  • Kartika Fitriasari



Nonparametric regression, Rice estimator, GSJ estimator, Tong-Wang estimator


Given a nonparametric regression model Yi = g(xi) + ei,    i = 1, 2, …, n, where Y is a dependent variable, x is an independent variable, g is an unknown function and e is an error assumed to be an independent, identical, and is distributed with mean 0 and variance σ2. In this research Rice estimator is used to determine the biased value of a residual variance estimator. The Rice estimator is given as follows: . The biased value of residual variance estimator of the Rice method is: , where  and. Using the Rice estimator, the Tong-Wang residual variance estimator is obtained, that is: , Where   , , , , ,  k = 1, 2, … , m. Based upon the data simulation by considering the exponential, arithmetical, and trigonometrical models, it is found that the MSE value of the Tong-Wang estimator tends to be less compared to those of the Rice estimator as well as the GSJ (Gasser, Sroka, and Jennen) estimator.



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How to Cite

Wahab, A., Budiantara, I. N. ., & Fitriasari, K. . (2021). The Estimation of Residual Variance in Nonparametric Regression. Jurnal Matematika, Statistika Dan Komputasi, 17(3), 438-446.



Research Articles