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Moving with the Soul: Cipari Peasant Movements for Land Rights in Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Arizal Mutahir
Forest and Society,
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): JUNE
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- Afiff, S., Fauzi, N., Hart, G., Ntsebeza, L., & Peluso, N. (2005). Redefining agrarian power: resurgent agrarian movements in West Java, Indonesia. University of California at Berkeley
- Anugrah, I. (2015). Peasant movements and state elites in post-New Order West Java: A case study of Sundanese Peasant Union. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, 14(1–2), 86–108. https://doi.org/10.1163/15691497-12341 334
- Ariendi, G. G. T., & Kinseng, R. A. (2011). Strategi perjuangan petani dalam mendapatkan akses dan penguasaan atas lahan. Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 5(1), 13-31. https://doi.org/10.22500/sodality.v5i1.5834
- Bachriadi, D. (2010). Panggang yang Semakin Menjauh dari Api? Refleksi Satu Dasawarsa Reformasi dalam Perspektif Reforma Agraria. Jurnal Analisis Sosial, 15(1), 1-64.
- Bachriadi, D. (2012). Gerakan Sosial Pedesaan Sebagai Politik: Sebuah Kacamata Teoritik. In Bachriadi, D. (Ed.), Dari Lokal ke Nasional Kembali ke Lokal: Perjuangan Hak atas Tanah di Indonesia (pp. 1-38). Agrarian Resource Center (ARC BooKS).
- Bakker, L., & Moniaga, S. (2010) The space between: Land claims and the law in Indonesia. Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(2), 187-203
- Baletti, B., Johnson, T. M., & Wolford, W. (2008). “Late Mobilization”: Transnational peasant networks and grassroots organizing in Brazil and South Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change, 8(2–3), 290–314. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0366.2008.00171.x
- Brad, A., & Hein, J. (2023). Towards transnational agrarian conflicts? Global NGOs, transnational agrobusiness and local struggles for land on Sumatra. New Political Economy, 28(3), 452-467. https://doi.org/10.1080/13563467.2022. 2138300
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- Cahyaningrum, D. (2016). Pemanfaatan Tanah Adat untuk Kepentingan Penanaman Modal di Bidang Perkebunan. Negara Hukum, 3(1), 21-40. http://dx.doi.org/ 10.22212/jnh.v3i1.222
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- Djawa, R. & Jacob, A. (2022). Pembangunan pabrik tebu di Kabupaten Sumba Timur: Studi gerakan sosial masyarakat adat terkait penolakan pembangunan pabrik tebu di Desa Wanga, Kecamatan Umalulu, Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Jurnal Politicon, 1(1), 9-22.
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- Fauzi, N. (2003). The New Sundanese Peasants’ Union: Peasant Movements, Changes in Land Control, and Agrarian Questions in Garut, West Java. Paper prepared for workshop New and Resurgent Agrarian Questions in Indonesia and South Africa. Center for Southeast Asia Studies and Center for African Studies – Crossing Borders Program 2003–2004, 24 October 2003. Institute for International Studies – Moses Hall University of California, Berkeley, CA
- Fernandes, B. M. (2013). Re-peasantization, Resistance and Subordination: The Struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform in Brazil. Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy, 2(3), 269–289. https://doi.org/10.1177/2277976013517200
- Fitri, A., & Akbar, I. (2017). Gerakan sosial perempuan ekofeminisme di pegunungan kendeng provinsi jawa tengah melawan pembangunan tambang semen. CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 3(1), 83-102
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