Hasnuni H, Lahay nancy, Latief MF. PENGARUH UKURAN PEMOTONGAN DAN PERENDAMAN LARUTAN Rhyzopus sp TERHADAP KANDUNGAN TANIN SERAT KASAR SERTA PROTEIN KASAR KULIT PISANG TANDUK (Musa acuminate Var. Typica): The Effect of the Measure of Cutting and Inclusion Solution Rhyzopus sp, on the Content of Tanin in Crude Fiber and Crude Protein of The Skin Banana Horn (Musa acuminate Var.Typica). BNMT [Internet]. 2022Dec.23 [cited 2025Feb.21];16(1). Available from: http://334012.libg.asia/index.php/bnmt/article/view/24735