Date Log
Nov 16, 2023
Dec 3, 2023
Corresponding Author(s) : Melia Suri
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Bioma : Januari - Juni 2024
Tahu merupakan salah satu makanan khas Indonesia yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Industri tahu pada setiap proses produksinya menghasilkan limbah tahu berupa ampas tahu. Pemanfaatan ampas tahu dapat diolah menjadi bahan dasar pembuatan kecap melaui proses fermentasi. Kecap adalah produk berbentuk cair hasil fermentasi yang ditambah gula dengan atau tanpa penambahan bahan pangan lainnya. Fermentasi kecap terdiri atas 2 tahap, yaitu fermentasi koji yang dilakukan menggunakan Aspergillus wentii konsentrasi 2%, 5% dan 8%. Kemudian dilanjutkan pada fermentasi moromi 20%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengolah kembali ampas tahu menjadi produk kecap, dan untuk mengetahui analisis mutu dan analisis cemaran pada hasil fermentasi atau kecap mentah dengan variasi konsentrasi Aspergillus wentii pada fermentasi bulan ke- 1, 2, dan 3 terhadap kesesuaian SNI 3543.1, 2013 bagian kecap manis dan SNI 3543.2, 2013 bagian kecap asin. Dari hasil analisis kecap mentah ampas tahu, didapatkan kadar protein yang mendekati SNI kecap manis sebesar 0,8%. Kadar gula yang tertinggi sebesar 20,22% dan belum memenuhi SNI kecap manis. Kadar garam (NaCl) tertinggi sebesar 17,63% yang sudah memenuhi SNI kecap asin. Nilai pH kecap mentah yang mendekati SNI kecap manis dan asin adalah 6,86 serta kecap mentah tidak mengandung cemaran, baik cemaran logam Merkuri, cemaran mikroba coliform, dan cemaran total aflatoksin yang sudah memenuhi standar SNI kecap manis dan SNI kecap asin.
Tofu is a typical Indonesian food that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. The tofu industry in every production process produces tofu waste in the form of tofu dregs. The use of tofu dregs can be processed into a basic ingredient for making soy sauce through a fermentation process. Soy sauce is a liquid product resulting from fermentation with added sugar with or without the addition of other food ingredients. Soy sauce fermentation consists of 2 stages, namely koji fermentation which is carried out using Aspergillus wentii concentrations of 2%, 5% and 8%. Then proceed to 20% moromi fermentation. The aim of this research is to reprocess tofu dregs into soy sauce products, and to determine the quality analysis and contamination analysis of fermented products or raw soy sauce with variations in the concentration of Aspergillus wentii in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of fermentation regarding the conformity of SNI 3543.1, 2013 sweet soy sauce section and SNI 3543.2, 2013 salty soy sauce section. From the analysis results raw tofu dregs soy sauce, obtained a protein content that is close to the SNI for sweet soy sauce at 0.8%. The highest sugar content is 20.22% and does not meet the SNI for sweet soy sauce. The highest salt (NaCl) content is 17.63% which meets the SNI for soy sauce. The pH value of raw soy sauce which is close to the SNI for sweet and salty soy sauce is 6.86 and raw soy sauce does not contain any contamination, including mercury metal contamination, coliform microbial contamination, and total aflatoxin contamination which meets the SNI standards for sweet soy sauce and SNI for salty soy sauce.
Tofu is a typical Indonesian food that is widely consumed by Indonesian people. The tofu industry in every production process produces tofu waste in the form of tofu dregs. The use of tofu dregs can be processed into a basic ingredient for making soy sauce through a fermentation process. Soy sauce is a liquid product resulting from fermentation with added sugar with or without the addition of other food ingredients. Soy sauce fermentation consists of 2 stages, namely koji fermentation which is carried out using Aspergillus wentii concentrations of 2%, 5% and 8%. Then proceed to 20% moromi fermentation. The aim of this research is to reprocess tofu dregs into soy sauce products, and to determine the quality analysis and contamination analysis of fermented products or raw soy sauce with variations in the concentration of Aspergillus wentii in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months of fermentation regarding the conformity of SNI 3543.1, 2013 sweet soy sauce section and SNI 3543.2, 2013 salty soy sauce section. From the analysis results raw tofu dregs soy sauce, obtained a protein content that is close to the SNI for sweet soy sauce at 0.8%. The highest sugar content is 20.22% and does not meet the SNI for sweet soy sauce. The highest salt (NaCl) content is 17.63% which meets the SNI for soy sauce. The pH value of raw soy sauce which is close to the SNI for sweet and salty soy sauce is 6.86 and raw soy sauce does not contain any contamination, including mercury metal contamination, coliform microbial contamination, and total aflatoxin contamination which meets the SNI standards for sweet soy sauce and SNI for salty soy sauce.